Sunday, 11 March 2012

FGC2012 #5- Twitfic- Freedom

Tobias watched  the final drip get removed. His mother bald, emaciated and bruised was finally free. Her fight was over, the cancer had won.

Word count- 140 characters exactly

Challenge: To write a twit-fic style story.
Form: Open
Word Count: 140 characters

Writing an entire story in 140 characters was a challenge for me. It was a challenge last week to keep my story under 3000 words.


  1. This was a fantastic piece. Strong narrative and emotional engagement. Awesome
    Adam B @revhappiness

  2. OH, how sad! Heart wrenching for so few words... it leaves me wanting more.

    - Barbara @ de rebus

  3. A very strong story written with real feeling. This story evokes a very personal emotional response for me, and probably for many others. Well done, Carolyn.

  4. Heart wrenching and very evocative.
